
Clone NTFS Permissions

NTFS access permissions can be complex and tricky. To quickly assign NTFS permissions to a new folder, you can simply clone permissions from another...

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Ldap Monitor

hello, I downloaded friday 20 mars “up-time5″ for test. when i try to use 'test ldap service instance', I have always error=53....

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Creating HTML Reports

PowerShell can convert objects into HTML using ConvertTo-HTML. By adding a bit of custom formatting, your reports can be colorful and cool. The...

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Analyzing Event Logs

Event logs are a great source of information. The only problem is that they tend to be overwhelming. Try using WMI and the Win32_NTLogEvent class to...

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Reading Text Files

Reading text files is easy using the Get-Content cmdlet: $text = Get-Content $env:windirwindowsupdate.log However, Get-Content reads the file line...

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Sorting Text Files

You need to sort a text file, maybe a list of servers or names? Here is how: $file = $homeserverlist.txtGet-Content $file | Sort-Object |...

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Cleaning Document Folders

Often, in your document folders a lot of files exist, and most of the time they are not really organized. With the help of a little PowerShell...

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Monthly Capacity Reporting

Monthly Capacity Reporting I need to provide server by server (Wintel) some preety management pictures that show CPU both peaks and average with a...

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