A common issue that affects many areas of the IT world is that things often do not go as smoothly as anticipated. Despite the best efforts that...
- Free tools
- SQL Admin Toolset
- SQL Compliance Manager
- SQL Defrag Manager
- SQL Diagnostic Manager for MySQL
- SQL Diagnostic Manager for SQL Server
- SQL Diagnostic Manager Pro
- SQL Doctor
- SQL Enterprise Job Manager
- SQL Inventory Manager
- SQL Query Tuner for SQL Server
- SQL Safe Backup
- SQL Secure
- SQL Workload Analysis for SQL Server
- Uptime Infrastructure Monitor Formerly Uptime
Deploy PowerShell as Clickable Icons (Part 2)
In the previous tip we illustrated how you can embed up to 4096 characters of PowerShell code inside a Windows Explorer shortcut file and produce...
Are You Willing to Pay the Price of Non-Compliance?
Data privacy is a hot topic in the world of information technology and promises to remain so for the foreseeable future. As the shift continues to a...
Installing Precise in an AWS or Azure environment
Precise provides support for AWS and Azure. We have provided support for AWS and Azure since Precise 9.9. (June 2018) The Precise framework...
Announcing the General Availability of SQL Secure 3.4
We are pleased to announce the general availability of SQL Secure 3.4. Customers can access the new version via the IDERA Customer Portal. New...
Deploy PowerShell as Clickable Icons (Part 1)
You can use .lnk files to deploy small PowerShell solutions to end users. Here’s how: Take below code, and replace the payload code inside...
The Problem of Data Breaches Shows No Signs of Slowing Down
An unfortunate and common problem that is encountered just about everywhere in the world is the theft of valuable items from their owners by...
Welcome to the SQL Server Query Store
The current situation we all face with the COVID-19 pandemic has made it difficult or impossible for many individuals to visit their favorite local...
Test-Driving New SSH Remoting
If you’d like to test-drive the new PowerShell remoting alternative that is using SSH instead of WinRM, make sure you install PowerShell 7...
You Need A Reliable Strategy for Protecting Data Resources
Today’s database administrator (DBA) has many responsibilities related to protecting and maintaining access to enterprise data resources....
Test Whether Applications Exist
Here is a simple one-liner that can test whether PowerShell 7 is installed on your system (or any other application): # name of application you want...
Who is Responsible and Accountable for a Data Breach?
One of the benefits of forming a corporation is that it provides a level of protection for the individuals who are making decisions regarding the...
Announcing The General Availability of DB PowerStudio 17.1
In the previous tip we introduced the PowerShell “SmbShare” module which comes with Windows and enables you to manage file shares. We looked at the...
Converting File Paths to 8.3 (Part 2)
In the previous post we explained how you can use an old COM component to convert default long path names to short 8.3 path names. While...
Do You Know How Many SQL Servers You Have?
It’s a pretty straightforward question that many database teams may have difficulty answering. For multiple reasons, it may become necessary...
Converting File Paths to 8.3 (Part 1)
Many years ago, file and folder names had a maximum of 8 characters, and these short path names still exist. They can even still be useful: short...
Lessons Learned From 3 Years in the Trenches with AWS
Since the time of our founding, IDERA has been using Amazon Web Services (AWS). It was critical to us to use cloud technologies to build our...
What Are the Risks of Paying for Ransomware?
Ransomware is a particularly nasty type of malware that is being deployed with increased frequency over the past several months. In a ransomware...
Identifying PowerShell Host and Path
Here is a quick one-liner that identifies the full path to your current PowerShell host: PS> (Get-Process -Id $pid).Path C:\Program...
Why DBAs Need to Look for Trouble
In some professions, individuals are expected to wait patiently until called upon to perform their functions. There are no opportunities for people...
The Best Way to Use Your Monitoring Software
Many businesses rely on extensive and complex computing environments to run daily operations, service customers, and store valuable data resources....
Using Online Help (Part 2)
In the previous tip we mentioned that many PowerShell users prefer the online help over locally downloaded help. To use the online help documents by...
Making Time Using Temporal Data
SQL is the first programming language with temporal data types. The SQL-92 standard added temporal data to the language, acknowledging most of what...
How to Secure Your SQL Servers from Internal Threats
The tremendous value of enterprise data resources makes them an inviting target for malicious actors. Losing sensitive financial or personal data...
Using Online Help (Part 1)
PowerShell supports both local help files and online resources. Take a look at the differences: # outputs help in same console window # level of...
Oracle 19.7 on Linux and Oracle 19.8 on Solaris is supported in Precise 10.2
Precise 10.2 now supports the latest Oracle 19C patches for Linux and Solaris. Linux Oracle 19.7 on Linux is now supported in Precise 10.2See the...
Tips on How to Become a SQL Server Database Administrator
The increased focus that organizations are placing on their data resources has put a premium on their use of database technology. Making productive...
Updating Help without Admin Privileges
In Windows PowerShell, updating help used to require Administrator privileges due to a design flaw: help had to be stored in the location where the...
Checking Profile Scripts (Part 2)
In the previous script we came up with a one-liner that checks which profile scripts actually exist. This solution works per host only, though,...
Oracle 19.7 on Linux and Oracle 19.8 on Solaris is supported in Precise 10.2
Precise now supports the latest Oracle 19.7 patch on Linux and the Oracle 19.8 patch on Solaris. The latest patch from Oracle for Oracle 19C on...