
Test-Driving New SSH Remoting

If you’d like to test-drive the new PowerShell remoting alternative that is using SSH instead of WinRM, make sure you install PowerShell 7...

Test Whether Applications Exist

Here is a simple one-liner that can test whether PowerShell 7 is installed on your system (or any other application): # name of application you want...

Converting File Paths to 8.3 (Part 2)

In the previous post we explained how you can use an old COM component to convert default long path names to short 8.3 path names. While...

Converting File Paths to 8.3 (Part 1)

Many years ago, file and folder names had a maximum of 8 characters, and these short path names still exist. They can even still be useful: short...

Using Online Help (Part 2)

In the previous tip we mentioned that many PowerShell users prefer the online help over locally downloaded help. To use the online help documents by...

Making Time Using Temporal Data

SQL is the first programming language with temporal data types. The SQL-92 standard added temporal data to the language, acknowledging most of what...

Using Online Help (Part 1)

PowerShell supports both local help files and online resources. Take a look at the differences: # outputs help in same console window # level of...

Updating Help without Admin Privileges

In Windows PowerShell, updating help used to require Administrator privileges due to a design flaw: help had to be stored in the location where the...

Checking Profile Scripts (Part 2)

In the previous script we came up with a one-liner that checks which profile scripts actually exist. This solution works per host only, though,...

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