
Shutting Down Computers Remotely

WMI not only provides rich information, it also supplies methods that you can call to take action. In the next example, you can forcefully shut down...

Finding Out Interesting WMI Classes

WMI provides a wealth of information as long as you know the name of the WMI class that represents the entity you are seeking. Fortunately,...

Accessing Servers Remotely via WMI

WMI is a fantastic source of information! Best of all, it works locally as well as remotely. For example, the next line gives you details about your...

Filtering Events by Date and Time

As you have discovered in a previous tip, reading Eventlog entries is fairly simple using WMI and Win32_NTLogEvent: Get-WmiObject Win32_NTLogEvent...

Analyzing Event Logs

Event logs are a great source of information. The only problem is that they tend to be overwhelming. Try using WMI and the Win32_NTLogEvent class to...

Reading Text Files

Reading text files is easy using the Get-Content cmdlet: $text = Get-Content $env:windirwindowsupdate.log However, Get-Content reads the file line...

Converting ASCII and Characters

To convert the ASCII value to a character, use type casting like this: [char]65 To do the opposite and convert a character to its ascii value, use...

Checking File and Folder Permissions

Get-Acl is a convenient Cmdlet to expose NTFS file and folder settings. For example, to get a list of ownerships for a folder content, do this: Dir...

Sorting Text Files

You need to sort a text file, maybe a list of servers or names? Here is how: $file = $homeserverlist.txtGet-Content $file | Sort-Object |...

Playing a Song with Media Player

Windows Media Player can be accessed using COM, and WMP in turn gives you access to your entire media. Using GetByName(), you can directly access...

Listing Your Media Collection

Windows Media Player (WMP) gives you access to all of your media stored on your computer. PowerShell can access this information through COM using...

Cleaning Document Folders

Often, in your document folders a lot of files exist, and most of the time they are not really organized. With the help of a little PowerShell...