
Free Ebooks from Microsoft

Microsoft is giving away unlimited numbers of free ebooks on many different topics. Ebooks can be downloaded using a PowerShell script. Here are the...

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Removing Windows 10 Apps

PowerShell is probably the easiest way to get rid of preinstalled Windows 10 apps. If you know the name of a particular app that you want to remove,...

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Repairing Disk Drives

In the old days, disk repair was performed by chkdsk.exe. This still works. In Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1, a new cmdlet called...

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Getting Cached Credentials

In the previous tip we talked about a public module called PSCredentialManager that helps you manage cached credentials. Sometime, less is more, so...

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Get Weather Forecast

Invoke-WebRequest can easily retrieve web page content for you. If you run it without the –UseBasicParsing parameter, the HTML is even parsed...

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Avoid Read-Host

Do you use Read-Host to receive user input? If you do, rethink. Read-Host always prompts a user, and there is no way to automate scripts that use...

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Using Online Help

PowerShell does not ship with help files, and installing help files locally requires Administrator privileges. A much easier approach can often be...

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Logging Script Output

There are numerous ways to log script output but one especially lazy technique is to run Start-Transcript. In PowerShell 5, this cmdlet is supported...

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Auditing Logons

Have you ever wondered whether someone has logged into your PC while you were away? In a previous tip we explained how you can examine the rich...

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Finding UAC Elevations

The Windows “Security” log contains rich audit information. By default, it logs all requests for privilege elevation which occurs when...

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