
Explore WMI

Get-WmiObject and Get-CimInstance both can provide you with a lot of valuable information, provided you know the name of WMI classes to query. Here...

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Find Installed Software

Most installed software registers itself in one of four places inside the Windows Registry. Here is a quick PowerShell function called...

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Alternate Get-Service

The cmdlet Get-Service has a number of drawbacks. For example, there is no parameter to filter running or stopped services, and the results do not...

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Robocopy Light

Robocopy.exe is an extremely powerful and versatile built-in command to copy files efficiently from one location to another. Unfortunately, this...

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A better Get-History

When you type “h” in PowerShell, you see the history of commands you entered during your session. Inspired by Pratek Singh...

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Getting MAC Vendor List

Prateek Singh has invested some effort in creating a sanitized MAC vendor address list in CSV format which can be found in his blog...

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