
Making Names Unique

To make a list of items or names unique, you could use grouping and then, when a group has more than one item, append a numbered suffix to these...

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Counting Log Activity

Did you know that Group-Object can analyze text-based log files for you? Here's sample code that tells you how many log entries on a given day a...

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Shrinking Paths

Many file-related .NET Framework methods fail when the overall path length exceeds a certain length. Use low-level methods to convert lengthy paths...

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Converting to Signed

If you convert a hex number to a decimal, the result may not be what you want: PS> 0xFFFF 65535 PowerShell converts it to an unsigned number...

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Getting Timezones

Here's a low level call that returns all time zones: PS> [System.TimeZoneInfo]::GetSystemTimeZones() Id : Dateline Standard Time DisplayName...

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Mapping Printers

To map a network printer to a user profile, here's a powerful low level command: rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /in /n...

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Fun with Date and Time

Get-Date can extract valuable information from dates. All you need to know is the placeholder for the date part you are after. Then, repeat that...

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Counting Work Days

Ever wanted to know how many days you need to work this month? Here's a clever function that lists all the weekdays you want that are in a...

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Converting to Hex

Here's a simple way to convert a decimal to a hex representation, for example, if you want to display an error number in standard hexadecimal...

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Showing MsgBox

Ever wanted to display a dialog box from PowerShell rather than spitting out console text? Then try this function: function Show-MsgBox { param (...

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Here’s a simple way of creating an ASCII table through type casting: 32..255 | ForEach-Object { 'Code {0} equals character {1}' -f $_, [Char]$_ }...

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Pipeline Used Or Not?

Sometimes you may want to know if your function received parameters over the pipeline or direct. Here is a way to find out: function test {...

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Validate IP Addresses

You can use regular expressions and the –match operator to validate user input. Here’s a loop that keeps asking until the user enters a...

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Converting UNIX Time

Surprisingly, when you read some values from the Windows Registry, they do not seem to be in a readable format: $key =...

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