
Finding Maximum Values

Numeric types can store numbers in certain ranges. A byte for example stores values in the range 0-255. But do you know just what the range is for...

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Finding Days in Month

If you need to determine the days in a given month, you can use the static DaysInMonth() function provided by the DateTime type. As you can see, the...

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Finding Leap Years

You will find that the DateTime type supports a number of static methods to check dates. For example, you can check whether a year is a leap year...

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Getting Short Dates

Objects contain useful methods to access the object data. For example, DateTime objects support methods to display the date and time in various...

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Chaining Type Conversions

In PowerShell, you can do multiple sequential type conversions. For example, you should first convert the string into a character array and then...

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Type Accelerators

PowerShell has a few shortcuts for popular .NET types like [WMI], [ADSI] or [Int]. You should read the FullName property if you'd like to know...

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Comparing Versions

When you compare version strings, PowerShell will use alphanumeric algorithms, which may lead to confusing results: '' -gt...

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Converting Object Types

Once you know the name of an object type, you can use that type for conversion. The next line converts a string into a date-time type: [DateTime]...

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Validate Set of Inputs

If you need to limit a function parameter to only a set of allowed choices, you should use the next example: function Get-24hEventLogEntries...

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