
Get Hashes from Texts

Before the advent of PowerShell 5 (and Get-FileHash), to calculate hashes for strings and files, you’d need to resort to pure .NET methods....

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Creating Hashes from Text

A hash is a way to uniquely identify a text without exposing the actual text. Hashes are used to identify texts, find duplicate file content, and...

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Compare AD User

Did you ever want to compare the properties of ADUsers? Provided you have installed the RSAT tools, you can read individual AD users with...

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Finding Service Privileges

Get-Service can provide basic information about Windows services but won’t list the required privileges. Here is a small PowerShell function...

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Locking Workstation

PowerShell can access low-level API functions by using C#-style signatures. This way, API functions are compiled in-memory and added as new types....

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