
Why Using Here-Strings?

To create multi-line text in a script, you can simply enter the multi-line text into your script using quotes: $text = 'First Line Second Line...

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Testing Numbers and Date

With a bit of creativity (and the help from the -as operator), you can create powerful test functions. These two test for valid numbers and valid...

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Creating "Mini-Modules"

Did you know that every PowerShell function can be turned into a script module with just one line of code? To test drive this, open the ISE editor...

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Use -f with N0

Often, it is necessary to output numbers, but you may want to control the number of digits and would like to control the formatting. The -f operator...

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Sending Results to Excel

Here's a little function called Out-ExcelReport. Just pipe anything to it, and it will open in Microsoft Excel - provided it is installed on...

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Examine Parameter Binding

PowerShell caters all tastes which is why the next two lines do the exact same thing and get all JPG pictures from your Windows folder: PS>...

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