In the previous tip we illustrated how you can get a list of characters that are illegal in paths or file names. However, what would be the best and...
Finding Invalid File and Path Characters
When dealing with files and folders, some characters are considered illegal. Here is an easy way to get a list of the characters that Windows...
Operate Your Own PowerShell Gallery
With PowerShellGet, you can easily share PowerShell code. Go to and download the MSI installer to install PowerShellGet if...
Identifying Special Characters
If you must ensure that a string contains only a given set of characters, try this: $text = 'tobias.weltner' $hasOtherCharacters = $text...
Inserting Text into String
Use Insert() to insert new text into an existing string at a given position. Here is an example: $text = "Server failed" 1..100 |...
Dealing With Long File Names
The Windows file system often has issues with file paths longer than 256 characters. Provided you followed our tips and installed PowerShellGet, you...
Colorizing PowerShell Console
In PowerShell 5.0, when you enter code into the PowerShell console, the tokens get colorized, much similar to the PowerShell ISE interactive...
Check PowerShell Gallery Code
In the previous tip we introduced the PowerShell Gallery and showed how to download content (scripts and modules). Since the PowerShell Gallery is a...
Using PowerShell Gallery
The PowerShell Gallery is a public repository for PowerShell scripts and modules. It is entirely managed by cmdlets. Before you can use the...
Nested PowerShell Transcripts
In previous versions of PowerShell, session logging (transcripts) were supported only in the PowerShell console, and there could only be one...
Logging PowerShell Sessions
PowerShell always supported session logging in the PowerShell console. Simply enter Start-Transcript to log all input and output to a text file....
Ad-hoc Debugging in PowerShell ISE
Beginning with PowerShell 5.0, you can break into the debugger any time (in the PowerShell ISE). Simply press CTRL+B to invoke the debugger while a...