When you open a CSV file in Excel, you get a very fast data import, but the result is "black and white"; CSV data has no way of colorizing...
Creating Code Snippets for ISE
PowerShell ISE supports code snippets, and you can easily create your own: #requires -Version 3 $code = @' | Where-Object { $_ } '@...
Turning ForEach-Object into a Function
ForEach-Object is a powerful pipeline cmdlet, but foremost it is an anonymous function. ForEach-Object is great to build "prototype...
How Pipeline Cmdlets Map to ForEach-Object
There are a number of routine pipeline cmdlets like Where-Object and Select-Object, yet the only essential cmdlet is ForEach-Object. All the other...
Time for Christmas
It's time for Christmas again, so here is a PowerShell classic: # inspired by: #...
Fancy InputBox for Mandatory Parameters
When you declare a parameter mandatory and the user does not specify it, PowerShell prompts the user for it. Another way of creating mandatory...
Displaying InputBox
To improve user-friendlyness, you could replace Read-Host by the following Show-InputBox function and get an inputbox dialog window: #requires...
Creating Simple Keylogger
By accessing the Windows low-level API functions, a script can constantly monitor the keyboard for keypresses and log these to a file. This...
Detecting Key Presses across Applications
By accessing the Windows low-level system calls, PowerShell can query the keyboard for pressed keys. The following example waits until the user...
Accessing API Functions and Logging Off
You may have heard about pInvoke.net, a site that documents internal Windows API signatures. Signatures describe low-level Windows API system calls....
Executing Code after Script Is Done
For monitoring purposes, it is often not known how long a script needs to run. So here, an endless loop is used. The script runs for as long as the...
Setting Permanent Environment Variables
When you set or change environment variables in PowerShell, this only affects the process set, so changes apply only to the current PowerShell...