As we traverse through different versions of SQL Server, there are new enhancements that always make us learn for newer techniques. One such...
New FireMonkey Media Library Options in RAD Studio XE8
RAD Studio XE8 provides new FireMonkey Media Library options. This includes the ability to automatically save pictures taken by the device camera...
O controle de versão: Comece a trabalhar com Git, repositórios remotos e RAD Studio XE8
Em uma das mais recentes pesquisas entre os desenvolvedores do RAD Studio, percebemos que ainda há uma parte significativa da comunidade que não...
Контроль версий: Начните с Git, удаленных репозиториях и RAD Studio X Е8
В одном из последних исследований среди разработчиков RAD Studio, мы поняли, что есть еще значительная часть сообщества, которые не используют...
Version control: Get started with Git, remote repositories and RAD Studio XE8
In one of the latest surveys among RAD Studio developers, we realized that there is still a significant part of the community that doesn’t use any...
El control de versiones: Primeros pasos con Git, repositorios remotos y RAD Studio XE8
En una de las últimas encuestas entre los desarrolladores de RAD Studio, nos dimos cuenta de que todavía hay una parte importante de la comunidad...
Creating Custom Multi-Device Preview Devices
In RAD Studio XE8, we introduced the Multi-Device Preview. The Multi-Device Preview provides a design time view of what your...
CORS on DataSnap REST Server
Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that enables resources to be shared across domains. Typically this isn’t allowed to...
Working with TMapView on iOS and Android with RAD Studio XE8
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Building Proximity Aware Application with RAD Studio XE8
RAD Studio XE8 provides you with the tools to rapidly design, build, and deploy connected apps that deliver innovative IoT solutions. The new Beacon...
Cybelesoft – Thinfinity Virtual UI for Delphi
Embarcadero Technology Partner Spotlight Cybelesoft - Thinfinity Virtual UI for Delphi Gustavo Ricardi - CYBELE SOFTWARE, INC. Friday, March 20,...
Working with StylesData in your FireUI applications
I have been getting some questions recently on how to identify and access style elements using StylesData. StylesData is defined by the style and...