With the introduction of the Parallel Programming Library (PPL) and Embarcadero C++Builder support for C++11 lambda functions on the Win32, Win64,...
Enabling a Data Culture Through Continuous Improvement
Progressive organizations recognize data as a strategic asset and rely upon it for critical decision making. Business intelligence spending has been...
Join our club of elite Embarcadero developers – show us your Cool Apps!
Elite Developers – Show us your Cool Apps! Join our club of elite developers by showcasing your app and enter to win a $500 gift card! How does it...
IDERA’s ER/Studio MetaWizard Does The Magic!
Often times you would hear about moving objects from one Data Modeling platform to another for various reasons. IDERA’s Meta-Wizard enables...
ER/Studio Enterprise Team edition – Future of Data Modeling is here!
IDERA’s ER/Studio Enterprise Team edition provides the fastest, easiest, and most collaborative way for data management professionals...
Data is the new Bacon!!! And Data Modeling is even cooler!
Yes, you read that right! Data is indeed The new Bacon!! We have been hearing about it all over the place. So Rich in Information and still if done...
Ways you can customize the RAD Studio, Delphi and C++Builder 10 Seattle IDE today
From time to time I get asked how developers can customize their IDE experience. There are many ways to set options that affect the IDE, registry...
Setting up Oracle for IDERA ER/Studio – Part 2
Howdy! Welcome to the next installment of the series. In today’s series, we will explore the options for Oracle Client Setup needed for ER/Studio....
The Shield
How many of you are known as the “Grumpy DBA” or have a bad reputation with users because you are always saying no or they have to wait? I know many...
Setting up Oracle for IDERA ER/Studio – Part 1
In this blog post, I will be covering how easy it is for one to setup Oracle, in order to successfully work with IDERA’s leading Enterprise...
Setting up IDERA’s ER/Studio Repository with Microsoft SQL Server in Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines
Howdy! In this series, we will explore on how easy it is to setup our Model Repository in the Microsoft Azure Cloud. Now I will not be going...
Setting up ER/Studio Repository with Microsoft SQL Server in Amazon Web Services
Howdy! In this series, we will explore on how easy it is to setup our Model Repository in the Amazon Web Services Cloud Environment. Now I will not...