
Exclude Properties

With Select-Object, you typically include the object properties you want to receive. You can do it the other way around, too, though. Here is an...

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Beeping PowerShell

Your colleague went to lunch again without properly locking his computer? Then this is your chance to run this code on his PowerShell: $powershell =...

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Controlling Return Values

In the previous tip we explained why functions can have multiple return values, and that anything you leave behind will be added to the return...

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Use Mandatory Parameters

Mandatory parameters are cool: you can submit values to them for automated solutions, and you can omit them and get prompted interactively. Here is...

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Tailing Log Files

You can ask PowerShell to monitor a text-based log file and output any changes. It is a one-liner: Get-Content c:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log -Wait...

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