
Adding New Virtual Drives

You do not need to use drive letters to access information provided by PowerShell providers. For example, you should use this to list the...

ExpandProperty to the Rescue

You will find that Select-Object is often used to select object properties and discard unneeded information: Get-Process | Select-Object Name,...

Open Explorer

While the PowerShell console is great, it is sometimes just easier to switch to Windows Explorer. Here is the fastest way to open Explorer and show...

Exchange 2010 Compiled Help

Want to learn about all the new Exchange 2010 cmdlets? You can download the compiled Help file from Microsoft:...

Discovering Impact Level

In a previous tip, you learned how to use $ConfirmPreference to get a warning before a cmdlet actually changes your system. This was based on the...

How ConfirmPreference works

Cmdlet authors can judge how severe the action is a cmdlet takes and choose from Low over Medium to High. You can use the variable...

Hide Error Messages

You may already know that you can suppress error messages with the ErrorAction parameter, which is often a good idea. Take a look at this and then...

Temporary File Name

Thanks to Get-Date, you can easily create unique temporary file names with a timestamp: (Get-Date -format 'yyyy-MM-dd hh-mm-ss') +...

Parameters Correspond to Columns

Many Get-*-Cmdlets, such as Get-EventLog or Get-Process, will output data in columns and support parameters named like these columns. So to filter...

Use Culture-Specific Dates!

PowerShell always uses a culture-neutral approach when you implicitly convert a date. So this does not necessarily work with your own culture....

Stopping the Pipeline

Usually, once a pipeline runs, you cannot stop it prematurely, even if you already received the information you were seeking. Simply use this filter...

Creating Large Dummy Files With .NET

You can always resort to the underlying .NET framework whenever the functionality you need isn't available through a cmdlet. The following code...

Creating Large Dummy Files

Sometimes, it is more efficient to use existing console tools rather than PowerShell cmdlets. For example here is a way to create a large file for...

Accessing Profile Scripts

Profile scripts are executed automatically when PowerShell starts. The paths to these scripts can be found in $profile: $profile | gm *Host* | % {...

Listing Execution Policies

In PowerShell v.2, there are multiple execution policies. You should use this to view and check the settings: Get-ExecutionPolicy -List ReTweet this...

Closing a Program Gracefully

When you use Stop-Process to kill a program, it will stop instantaneously. The user will get no chance to save unsaved documents: Get-Process...

Use CHOICE to Prompt for Input

PowerShell can run native console applications, which can be very helpful. For example, you should take a closer look at CHOICE.EXE, which will...

Archive Alternative Methods

We have been looking at how Uptime stores its data and how me can make better use of Uptime.With the exception of the disk performance_fscap table...

Launching Programs Maximized

Start-Process has a parameter called -WindowStyle. With it, you can control the window size of the application you launch. You should use this line...

Wait for Programs

PowerShell launches Windows applications asynchronously. It only waits for the console application so you should use -wait if you want to launch a...

Open Current Folder in Your Explorer

If you are stuck in the console and would like to move over to the Explorer GUI, the next line opens your current folder in an Explorer window:...

Search for Localized Keywords

Finding the appropriate command for a task is important. With a little trick, PowerShell can help you. Have a look: function ??($keywords) {...

Filter is Faster Than Include

A number of cmdlets provide two parameters that seem to work very similar: -filter and -include: Dir $env:windir -filter *.logDir $env:windir...

Use Online Help

"To ship is to choose", so the Help files provided by PowerShell are sometimes outdated. You should use their online versions if you want...

Get to know Parameter Sets

Sometimes, you may run into issues like this once you learned more about the parameters a given cmdlet supports: Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 50...

Finding Positional Parameters

Positional parameters can be great time savers as many cmdlets assign a parameter position to its most widely used parameters. This way you do not...