
Find system restore points

Windows Update and Software installations will frequently create system restore points. Run this to get a list of such events: Get-EventLog -LogName...

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Secret history shortcut

PowerShell will keep a history of the commands you entered and then you can list the history with Get-History, configuring the maximum length of...

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Calculate time zones

If you need to find out the time in another time zone, you can convert your local time to Universal Time and then add the number of offset hours to...

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Checking all event logs

What if you would like to get a quick overview of all error events in any event log. Get-EventLog can only query one event log at a time. So, you...

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Creating IP segment lists

If you need a list of consecutive IP addresses, you can check out this function. You can see that it takes a start and an end address and then...

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Getting significant bytes

If you need to split a decimal into bytes, you can use  a function called ConvertTo-HighLow, which uses a clever combination of type casts to...

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Splitting hex dumps

Imagine you have a text string with a hex dump so that each hex number consists of two characters. How would you split this into individual hex...

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Finding new processes

Get-Process will return a list of all processes. If you just want to see those started within the last 10 minutes, you can check StartTime. Both...

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Load registry user hive

If you need to manipulate registry data from another user, you may be out of luck because HKEY_CURRENT_USER always points to your own user data....

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Dump enumerations

You can create a simple helper function called Get-Enum  to list all the values in an enumeration: function Get-Enum($name){...

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Find Latest Processes

You should try this piece of code to find all processes that were started within the past 10 minutes: Get-Process | Where-Object { try {...

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