
Reading Text Files Fast

Let's assume you want to read a large text file. Let's create one: Get-Process | Export-CliXML $home\data.xml(Dir $home\data.xml |...

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Add Whitespace after Commas

Operator replace is extremely powerful when you use back references. For example, to make sure in a text that there is a space after each comma, you...

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Create Random Passwords

Whenever you need to create a new random password, be sure to check out this function: function Get-RandomPassword { param( $length = 10,...

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Resolving Host Names

In a previous tip, you learned how to quickly ping network segments. Next, you could resolve online IPs and get host lists of systems currently...

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Refreshing Web Pages

Imagine you opened a number of Web pages in Internet Explorer and would like to keep the display current. Instead of manually reloading these pages...

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Hiding NetworkAdapter

When you use VMware, or if you have installed a Microsoft Loopback adapter, these adapters will show up in your network panel as "Unidentified...

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Resetting Network Adapters

Sometimes, it is necessary to reset network adapters, such as after you changed settings for that adapter in your registry. Resetting a network...

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Disabling Network Adapters

If you need to systematically disable network adapters, all you need is the name of the adapter (as stated in your control panel or returned by...

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