
Accepting Parameters without Quotes

In the previous tip, we introduced a function that generates nicely centered headers and accepted a single string. Here is the function and its...

Creating Aligned Headers

Reporting and writing log files is a common task in PowerShell. Here is a simple function to create nicely centered headers. Adjust $width to the...

Managing Windows License Key (Part 4)

Slmgr.vbs is an ancient VBScript used to automate Windows license management. In the previous tip we started bypassing slmgr.vbs by reading the WMI...

Managing Windows License Key (Part 3)

Most Windows license and activation tasks can be automated using an ancient VBScript called slmgr.vbs. It does not make much sense to use this tool...

Managing Windows License Key (Part 2)

Most automated license key management tasks are done via a command called slmgr. This command is actually an ancient VBScript. To read all of your...

Precise for Oracle Performance

Precise AdminPoint is available as a browser agnostic interface.  Open Precise in Chrome!, Firefox!.  Precise Applications will be...

Managing Windows License Key

Let’s start this mini-series with a one-liner that extracts your Windows license key: PS> $key = (Get-WmiObject -Class...

Create ASCII Art

It’s amazing how versatile PowerShell is: with just a couple of lines of code, you can turn any photo and image into a piece of ASCII art....

Verifying Local User Account Passwords

In the previous tip, we asked Active Directory to validate user account passwords. The same can be done with local accounts. Your PowerShell code...

Verifying Domain Account Passwords

PowerShell can easily verify a password against a domain account. In other words, you can bind script logic to passwords maintained in Active...

Waiting for a Service Status Change

Whenever you start or stop a service, it may take some time for the service to actually adopt the desired state – or it can of course fail....

Converting Text to Image

WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation)is not just a technique to create UIs. You can create any type of vector-based graphics composition and save it...

Converting IEEE754 (Float) (Part 2)

Yesterday we looked at how PowerShell can turn IEEE754 floating point values returned by a sensor into the actual value. This involved reversing the...

Converting IEEE754 (Float) (Part 1)

PowerShell is extremely versatile and nowadays often used with IoT and sensors as well. Some return values in IEEE754 float format which typically...

Reading News Feeds

Here’s a special service to users with German language skills – and a challenge to adjust the code for everyone else: the code below...

Removing Empty Array Elements (Part 2)

If you want to eliminate completely empty array elements (and do not need to focus on empty properties), here are some approaches with fundamentally...

“Dangerous” Comparisons

Let’s assume in an array you want to get rid of all elements that are either empty or null. This is what many would do: PS>...

Calculating First and Last Day of Month

For reporting and similar use cases, scripts may require the first and last day in a given month. The first day is easy, yet the last day depends on...

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