In our previous tips we introduced all kinds of useful PowerShell functions to ping, scan ports, or contact SNMP devices. Today, it’s time to take a...
- Free tools
- SQL Admin Toolset
- SQL Compliance Manager
- SQL Defrag Manager
- SQL Diagnostic Manager for MySQL
- SQL Diagnostic Manager for SQL Server
- SQL Diagnostic Manager Pro
- SQL Doctor
- SQL Enterprise Job Manager
- SQL Inventory Manager
- SQL Query Tuner for SQL Server
- SQL Safe Backup
- SQL Secure
- SQL Workload Analysis for SQL Server
- Uptime Infrastructure Monitor Formerly Uptime
Super-Fast Network Scans (Part 3)
In our previous tips we created two fast functions to ping and port-scan remote systems: Test-Ping and Test-RemotePort: function Test-RemotePort {...
Super-Fast Network Scans (Part 2)
In our previous tip we looked at Test-NetConnection and found that it was way too slow, so we replaced it by a much faster Test-RemotePort function....
Improve data modeling with Aqua Data Studio
Data architects spend a major time of their job on data modeling. As such, they need to ensure that change to their data stores is controlled and...
Super-Fast Network Scans (Part 1)
Port scans can be useful to identify devices or machines in your network, i.e. file servers (port 445), PowerShell remoting targets (port 5985), or...
Creating IPv4 Network Range
Here is a PowerShell code snippet that creates a list of IPv4 addresses for a given segment. You just specify the start and end address: $From =...
Translating Data
Hash tables and dictionaries are perfect lookup tables: whenever your original data contains cryptic numbers or a command returns just numeric...
Best IDE for data analysts
Data analysts need good visibility to the right data to make good business decisions. They also require easy access to the appropriate data, and a...
Announcing General Availability of SQL Workload Analysis (SWA) 1.7.2
We’re excited to announce the release of SQL Workload Analysis (SWA) 1.7.2 Problematic SQL queries can severely reduce the performance of SQL Server...
Automating Defender Antivirus (Part 2)
On Windows, PowerShell comes with cmdlets to automate the built-in antivirus engine “Defender”. In this second part, let’s take a look at how you...
Automating Defender Antivirus (Part 1)
On Windows, PowerShell comes with cmdlets to automate the built-in antivirus engine “Defender”. If you’d like to update the signatures...
Manage data and result sets, and SQL queries with Aqua Data Studio
Aqua Data Studio improves access and consistency by accessing data sources from a single tool to minimize the learning curve and maximize the...
Converting Wavelength to RGB
PowerShell is a generic script language so you can do all kinds of stuff with it. Below is a function that takes a light wavelength and converts it...
Storing Any Text Encrypted
Let’s say your script needs sensitive input like connection strings for a database or other text information. One way of managing such secrets is to...
Using Appropriate DataTypes (Part 2)
In part 1 we looked at how data becomes more accessible when converted to a more appropriate .NET data type. If you can't find an existing data type...
Easier database management with Aqua Data Studio
Database administrators spend most of their time keeping databases running with little time to focus on performance and future-proof the...
Using Appropriate DataTypes (Part 1)
Windows is an API-driven operating system, and PowerShell is, too. Compared to other shells that use plain text as a common denominator and leave it...
Investigating ConfirmImpact (Part 2: Script Author Perspective)
As explained in the previous part, PowerShell uses the $ConfimPreference automatic variable as part of its risk mitigation system: whenever a...
Aqua Data Studio: IDE with visual analytics and automation
Aqua Data Studio accelerates data management processes by simplifying common tasks and automating routine operations. Visual analytics Run visual...
Investigating ConfirmImpact (Part 1: User Perspective)
In PowerShell, the $ConfimPreference variable is set to "High" by default. What does this setting control? PS> $ConfirmPreference High Any...
Picking Best Approach Example Capitalizing Words (Part 4)
In PowerShell, there are four separate sources of commands you can pick from when trying to solve a problem. In this mini-series, we look at all of...
Picking Best Approach: Example Capitalizing Words (Part 3)
In PowerShell, there are four separate sources of commands you can pick from when trying to solve a problem. In this mini-series, we look at all of...
Database IDE: Aqua Data Studio is the best for developers
Developers require application performance and stability. When developing applications, they need to optimize SQL code to enhance the performance...
Picking Best Approach: Example Capitalizing Words (Part 2)
In PowerShell, there are four separate sources of commands you can pick from when trying to solve a problem. In this mini-series, we look at all of...
Picking Best Approach: Example Capitalizing Words (Part 1)
In PowerShell, there are four separate sources of commands you can pick from when trying to solve a problem. In this mini-series, we look at all of...
Manage schema, models, files and servers with confidence
Aqua Data Studio simplifies data-centric tasks by working on data sources without exposure to complex technical elements, detailed technical skills,...
Checking Battery Wear and Quality
If you run a laptop you can easily ask WMI for battery status such as charging status. With a little bit more work, though, you can also check the...
Using Enums to Decipher Code IDs
WMI is a great and simple way of gathering information about computers. For example, it’s a snap to determine the type of computer you are on: $info...
Manage data with Aqua Data Studio
Aqua Data Studio is the industry-leading, multiple-platform, integrated development environment (IDE) for data. It provides many benefits to a...
Using PowerShell Scripts as Commands (Part 2)
Publishing on Feruary 2, 2023 In our previous tip we discussed a simple way to extend the PowerShell command set. By saving scripts in a folder that...