
Auto-Logging Command Output

In the previous tip we introduced the PreCommandLookupAction supported by PowerShell 3 and better. Today we have a special implementation for you....

Replacing Commands

PowerShell comes with a couple of “secret” (better: under-documented) settings. One is PreCommandLookupAction, and it gives you great...

Easy Parsing of Setting Files (Part 3)

In the previous tip you have discovered how ConvertFrom-StringData can turn plain text key-value pairs into a hash table. What’s missing is...

Become an IDERA ACE Today!

Applications for the 2017 IDERA ACEs are now open! The search has begun for the 2017 IDERA ACEs. Do you have a passion in helping the community and...

Easy Parsing of Setting Files (Part 2)

In the previous tip we used ConvertFrom-StringData to parse plain text key-value pairs into hash tables. Here is an example where such conversion...

When Add-Type Fails…

Add-Type can be used to load additional .NET assemblies from DLL files into PowerShell. This works well most of the time, and here is a sample call...

Setting PowerShell Title Text

You probably know that you can change the title text of a PowerShell host window with a line like this: PS> $host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle =...

Clearing All User Variables

In the previous tip we illustrated how you can identify built-in PowerShell variables with an approach like this: $ps = [PowerShell]::Create() $null...

Finding PowerShell Classes

Starting in PowerShell 5, you can define PowerShell classes. They are defined dynamically and live in memory. So how would you know the names of...

Using PowerShell Classes 2

Starting in PowerShell 5, you can define PowerShell classes. You can use classes to create new objects, and by defining one or more...

Using PowerShell Classes

Starting with PowerShell 5, you can define classes. They have many use cases. One would be to create libraries of useful helper functions to better...

Reading Registry Values (Workaround)

In the previous tip we illustrated that Get-ItemProperty cannot read registry key values when there is a value present with corrupted content:...

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