
A Better more.com

Whenever you want to break up a lot of information in separate page views, you can traditionally pipe to more.com, which is an external executable....

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Smart Auto-Completion

When you press Tab to auto-complete, PowerShell will look at what you have entered so far to find the most appropriate suggestion. One little known...

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Auto-Completion Reverse

You probably already know how to invoke code completion: simply press Tab. You will then see that a new suggestion is displayed each time you do...

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Listing Installed Software

You will find that listing installed software can be somewhat difficult as WMI provides the Win32_Product class, which only covers managed installs...

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Mixing Parameter Sets

You will find that some cmdlet parameters belong to different parameter sets. Any cmdlet can use only parameters from one parameter set. You will...

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Cmdlet Alias

For most cmdlets, there are convenient shortcut names that are the alias names. So whenever you find yourself using a new cmdlet, you should take a...

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Visiting Help Topics

All Help topics inside of PowerShell are stored as plain text files. You can read them by using Get-Help, but you can also more easily open the...

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