
Deleting Event Logs

Working with event logs has become a lot easier in PowerShell v.2, and you have seen how you create and maintain your own logs. So, if you'd...

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Creating Your Own Eventlog

In PowerShell v.2, it is very easy to create and maintain your very own event logs to track errors in your scripts or other automation solutions....

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Updating PowerShell Modules

In a previous tip, you learned about the new modules in PowerShell v.2, which can be loaded using Import-Module. Once you have loaded a module, it...

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Creating Script Modules

In PowerShell v.2, there is a new feature called "module," which is a file with the extension .psm1 and behaves almost exactly like a...

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Trap and Try/Catch

Trap, which has been around since PowerShell v.1, is designed to catch errors and works like this: trap { Write-Host -foregroundcolor Yellow `...

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Is PowerShell Available?

As PowerShell becomes more important, you may want to automatically check whether it is available on a machine. To determine whether any PowerShell...

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Finding Script Errors

There is scripting expertise built-in to PowerShell v.2 that can be activated like this: set-strictmode -version 1set-strictmode -version 2 Use the...

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Getting System Uptime

If you'd like to determine a system's uptime, you should use WMI and convert the WMI date into a more readable format: function...

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