
Free Space on Disks

You can use WMI to determine how much free space is available on any given disk: Get-WMIObject Win32_LogicalDisk | Foreach-Object { 'Disk {0}...

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Order Matters

Here is a challenge for you. The following code is a simple currency converter. However, when you run it, you'll notice it doesn't convert...

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Accessing Date Methods

While Get-Date returns the current date and time, it really returns a DateTime object. You can use this object to find out more about the date or to...

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Using Cultures

Since PowerShell is culture-independent, you can pick any culture you want and use the culture-specific formats. The following script instantiates...

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Multidimensional Arrays

PowerShell supports two types of multi-dimensional arrays: jagged arrays and true multidimensional arrays. Jagged arrays are normal PowerShell...

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Finding System Folders

When you automate file system tasks, you may want to know where special folders such as MyPictures or Documents are located. The .NET class...

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Finding the Current User

Should you try and use PowerShell as a log-on script, you may want to know who is actually running the script to access user specific folders or...

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Finding Old Files

Occasionally, you might want to find files that are older than a give number of days to delete or backup those. A simple filter can provide that...

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Working with Arrays

Creating arrays in PowerShell is easy using the comma delimiter. The next line creates an array with five elements: $myArray = 'Hello', 12,...

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Finding Duplicate Files

Hash Tables are a great way to find duplicates. Simply use the Hash Table as lookup to see if the file (or element) was already added to the Hash...

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