Select-Object and -ExcludeProperty

by Feb 26, 2018

Here is a line of code that often puzzles PowerShell users:

Get-Service | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty Name

When you use Select-Object, its -ExcludeProperty parameter does not seem to do anything. The truth is: -ExcludeProperty only works when you also use -Property. So this works:

Get-Service | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty Name -Property Status, DisplayName, Name

However, this is ridiculous: why would you specify properties with -Property only to exclude them again with -ExcludeProperty? This would be much easier:

Get-Service | Select-Object -Property Status, DisplayName

In practice, -ExcludeProperty makes sense only when you use wildcards:

PS> Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS | Select-Object -Property *BIOS* -ExcludeProperty *major*, *minor*
PrimaryBIOS         : True
BiosCharacteristics : {7, 9, 11, 12...}
BIOSVersion         : {DELL   - 1072009, 1.6.1, American Megatrends - 5000B}
SMBIOSBIOSVersion   : 1.6.1
SMBIOSPresent       : True

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