In a previous tip, you learned that CSV files use different separators, depending on your culture. While you were unable to select a separator in...
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CSVs with Alternative Delimiters
In PowerShell V1, creating CSVs wasn't very flexible because PowerShell was limited to the comma as separator. In many cultures, different...
Persisting Objects with XML
In the previous tip, you learned that Export/Import-CSV does not persist property types. Instead, all properties are converted to string. To...
Import-CSV and Types
Export-CSV and Import-CSV are great ways of persisting data in a structured way. There are some limitations, though. Take a look. This line saves a...
PowerShell ISE uses Unicode
If you start experimenting with PowerShell V2 ISE (editor), you may notice that all scripts you create are saved in Unicode by default. This was...
Finding Alias Names in V2
Alias names are shortcuts for other commands, and you probably know that. In PowerShell V1, the only way to retrieve all aliases for a given target...
Storing Cmd-Results in PowerShell Variables
You can run classic cmd commands from within PowerShell and store the results in variables. All you need to do is invoke cmd.exe with the /c switch...
Using Classic Shell Inside of PowerShell
Since both PowerShell and the classic cmd.exe are console-based, it is very easy to switch between both of them. If you must use a classic shell...
Deleting Characters in the Console
Moving the cursor in long input lines is not very convenient. You cannot use the mouse and have to use arrow keys to move backwards and forward....
Why isn’t my console background blue?
Maybe you have noticed that some PowerShell consoles have a nice blueish background while others default to black. Actually, the blueish background...
Download Consolas Font For PowerShell
Well, ok, Consolas wasn't specifically designed for PowerShell but rather as an enhancement for all consoles. It is a new Microsoft font that...
Better Fonts And Larger Buffer
Each PowerShell console has a small icon at the left of its title bar, and when you right-click this icon and choose Properties, you open the...
Autocompleting the Console Way
There are many autocompletion tricks built into PowerShell, and you probably know that pressing TAB is always a good idea to save typing. There is...
Clear Command List
There are actually two places where your commands get stored: One is maintained by PowerShell (Get-History, Invoke-History). The other one is...
Selecting Previous Commands
In our last tip, you learned that F7 opens a dialog with your command history. To select a command, you had to use the arrow keys to move to the...
Open Console History
Did you know that the PowerShell console shares some key shortcuts with classic cmd consoles? For example, press F7 to open a menu with your command...
Docking PowerShell in Windows 7
If you happen to run Windows 7 already, not only will you get PowerShell V2. In addition, with the new "Superbar", you can create your...
Does a Folder contain a specific file?
Test-Path supports wildcards so if you'd like to know whether there are any PowerShell script files located in your home folder, try this:...
File Or Folder? Find Out!
Test-Path can check whether a file or folder exists, but this does not tell you whether the path specified was actually a file or a folder. If...
Test-Path Can Check More Than Files
Test-Path is your friend whenever you want to check whether a file or folder exists: Test-Path C:autoexec.batTest-Path C:windows Test-Path can check...
Creating A HTML Font List
With just a couple of lines of code, you can create a HTML document listing each installed type face on your computer which you then can print out...
Converting Objects Into Text
PowerShell internally always works with objects, and this can cause confusion when you mix object and string technologies. In a previous example,...
Listing All Installed Font Families
To get a list of all available font families on your system, you can load the .NET drawing library and then ask the InstalledFontCollection for all...
Finding Empty Folders
To find out all folders that contain no files, you can use this line: dir -recurse | Where-Object { $_.PSIsContainer } | Where-Object {...