Get started programming with our Community Editions! Community Edition is our full-featured and free IDE to build applications for iOS,...
- Free tools
- SQL Admin Toolset
- SQL Compliance Manager
- SQL Defrag Manager
- SQL Diagnostic Manager for MySQL
- SQL Diagnostic Manager for SQL Server
- SQL Diagnostic Manager Pro
- SQL Doctor
- SQL Enterprise Job Manager
- SQL Inventory Manager
- SQL Query Tuner for SQL Server
- SQL Safe Backup
- SQL Secure
- SQL Workload Analysis for SQL Server
- Uptime Infrastructure Monitor Formerly Uptime
Introducing Delphi and C++Builder Community Edition
Today is a very exciting day for our community. For many years, we've gotten requests from Delphi and C++Builder users that they'd love to...
Delphi/C++Builder Community Edition – kostenfreie Edition für nicht kommerzielle Zwecke
Einige Fragen&Antworten F: Wo bekomme ich die Community Edition? A: Auf der Webseite von Es gibt eine Delphi Edition und...
Delphi/C++Builder: Aktuelle e-Books, Videos und mehr
Dr. Veikko Krypczyk: Geräteübergreifende Entwicklung mit RAD Studio In diesem shortcut stellen Ihnen Olena Bochkor und Dr. Veikko...
CodeRage Spotlight: Webinarreihe rund um Sencha Ext JS und Embarcadero RAD Server
Wir laden Sie zu einem Themenschwerpunkt zu Sencha Ext JS ein. Neben einer Einführung durch unserem Partner Thorsten Suckow-Homberg, Senior...
Learn How To Customize The Look And Feel Of The FireMonkey Field Service Template Apps
The RAD Server Field Service Template provides an end to end field service application template for routing appointments, managing parts, and user...
Tech Tip: How do I secure RAD Server for production deployment?
Note: This is not a comprehensive security tutorial for RAD Server merely a tech tip. There are a number of sections in the emsserver.ini file...
Deep Dive: Field Service App Template For Android And iOS With RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo
The RAD Server Field Service Template provides an end to end field service application template for routing appointments, managing parts, and user...
Trilha Delphi/C++ Builder no TDC 2018
Pelo terceiro ano consecutivo estaremos com uma trilha RAD no TDC! Diferentemente das edições anteriores, nossa trilha será no sábado, dia 21/07,...
Are you using Jira? Fill out the survey and get entered into a prize draw
In partnership with the wonderful folks at the Ministry of Testing, the Gurock team brings you the Jira Testing Plugin survey! You can...
Updated Free Tool: PowerShell Scripts for SQL Server 6.0: Added Scripts for Microsoft Azure SQL Database
IDERA released an update of its free tool PowerShell Scripts for SQL Server. This release features 15 new scripts for Microsoft Azure SQL...
Announcing SQL Enterprise Job 2.2 General Availability
We are pleased to announce the general availability of SQL Enterprise Job Manager 2.2. Existing users may upgrade to this version through the IDERA...
Embarcadero’s June 2018 Cool App Winner is MalyKangurek POS
Years ago I worked at a company that maintained a Point of Sale (POS) system written in Delphi. I wasn’t involved in that project (I was...
Demystify tempdb performance and manageability
Microsoft SQL Server stores a significant amount of data in the tempdb system database. Consequently, tempdb can fill up quickly when disk space is...
Simplify Routine Database Administration Tasks with SQL Admin Toolset
Database Administrators are responsible for an organization’s most important asset - the data. This responsibility comes with many...
Database Performance History
Servers are moving from on-prem to the cloud. Applications are upgraded, so are operating systems, databases, and hardware. New users,...
Monitoring Master-Slave Replication in MySQL 8
MySQL 8 introduced a number of enhancements to improve both replication performance and the monitoring thereof. Improvements included more efficient...
What’s new in SQL Compliance Manager 5.5
Earlier this month SQL Compliance Manager version 5.5 was released. We're super excited about some of the new features that are...
Why Data Breach is a Significant Part of GDPR
Last week I spoke at DAMA Day in NYC. The day was focused on GDPR and all of the implications in the regulation. I decided to focus my talk on why...
CodeRage DE 2018: Aufzeichnungen verfügbar
Die Aufzeichnungen der Webinar sind in einer Liste zusammengefasst hier verfügbar:...
Learn about index fragmentation to improve SQL Server performance
As the data in the database tables of Microsoft SQL Server changes, their indexes change. Over time these indexes become fragmented so that ordered...
Entornos de ejecución de test con DUnitX (Bonus track)
Con la anterior entrada del blog completamos la serie sobre test unitarios y los frameworks a utilizar con Delphi, con una visión general sobre...
Changing Lanes: Part II. Shifting between Relational and Big Data Platforms
In the last blog, I covered Shifting Roles with Relational and Big Data Platforms and how that is affecting the people and their roles within...
Use the Source!
One of the great things about Delphi is not only is it written in Delphi (mostly), but it ships with the VCL, RTL, & FMX source code. You can...
Connect to All the Data with FireDAC Enterprise Connectors
Move, integrate, and analyze data with ease utilizing FireDAC Enterprise Connectors, powered by CData. These components allow you to integrate 80+...
How to increase SQL Server performance with existing hardware
Unlike their failed counterparts, solutions are successful solely because systems, users, and organizations have come to depend upon them. Solutions...
Jump start your IoT solution with ready-to-use components
Let's say for example that you want to create a heart rate monitor app. You'll need information about the heart rate GATT profile to...
Get Kids Coding with IoT
Get Kids Coding with IoT Across all industries, coding is quickly becoming a crucial skill for the 21st-century workplace. Finding ways to teach...
Data Lineage – The Power to Connect the Dots in ER/Studio
Howdy! Ever considered or wanted to know how Data would move around the organization? Data Lineage is a key driver that ensures on connecting the...
What does the GitHub acquisition mean for RAD Studio?
Microsoft’s June 4 announcement about its acquisition of Github for $7.5 billion has created great interest in the developer community. Hacker News...