
Encoding Pictures

If your script needs resources such as icons or pictures, you do not have to ship these resources separately. They can be Base64-encoded and added...

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Managing Windows Firewall

Beginning in Windows 8 and Server 2012, there is a cmdlet that helps you enable the client firewall for various profiles: Set-NetFirewallProfile...

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Clearing Recycle Bin

Before the advent of PowerShell 5.0, to clear the recycler, you would have to manually delete the content of the hidden $Recycle.Bin folder in the...

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Displaying InputBox

To improve user-friendlyness, you could replace Read-Host by the following Show-InputBox function and get an inputbox dialog window: #requires...

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Creating Simple Keylogger

By accessing the Windows low-level API functions, a script can constantly monitor the keyboard for keypresses and log these to a file. This...

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