
Get Process Owners

One way to find out the owner of a process is to add the missing Owner property to process objects: $processes = Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter...

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Creating New Objects

There is a powerful new way in PowerShell v.2 to create new objects from scratch: You should first get yourself an empty hash table object, then add...

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Exit a Script Immediately

Use the Exit statement if you run into a condition where a script should quit. The script breaks whenever you call exit from within your script. Add...

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Using Real Registry Keys

In PowerShell, you access registry keys through virtual drives like HKCU: (for HKEY_CURRENT_USER) and HKLM: (representing HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). You...

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Writing to the Registry

Adding or changing registry values is not always intuitive with PowerShell. Here is a function called Set-RegistryValue that will make your life...

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Reading Registry Values

In PowerShell, you will need to use one of the Registry virtual drives to read from the Windows Registry as it is - not always intuitive. Here are...

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