
Open Console History

Did you know that the PowerShell console shares some key shortcuts with classic cmd consoles? For example, press F7 to open a menu with your command...

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File Or Folder? Find Out!

Test-Path can check whether a file or folder exists, but this does not tell you whether the path specified was actually a file or a folder. If...

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Creating A HTML Font List

With just a couple of lines of code, you can create a HTML document listing each installed type face on your computer which you then can print out...

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Finding Empty Folders

To find out all folders that contain no files, you can use this line: dir -recurse | Where-Object { $_.PSIsContainer } | Where-Object {...

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List Hidden Files

Did you notice that Dir, ls or Get-ChildItem do not return hidden files? To see hidden files, you need to specify the -force parameter: Dir...

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Advanced String Filtering

In a previous tip, you learned how Select-String can filter string arrays based on a keyword. Have a look: route print | Select-String

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Filtering Command Results

PowerShell captures any output from any command you enter. This is why you can always store command results in a variable, even with native...

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Wait For Key Press

Sometimes you'd like to wait for a key press. The easiest way is to use Read-Host like this: Read-Host 'Please press ENTER' | Out-Null...

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