
Listing Installed Updates (Part 2)

In the previous tip we looked at how to retrieve the list of currently installed updates from the Windows Update Client. This list can be polished,...

Listing Installed Updates (Part 1)

Get-Hotfix only lists operating-system-related hotfixes: Get-HotFix In reality, it is just a thin wrapper around a WMI query which produces...

Foreach -parallel (Part 3: Mass Ping)

In PowerShell 7, there is a new parallel ForEach-Object that can execute code in parallel and speed up things considerably. The same technique can...

Multiple Maintenance Modes

Is there anyway to have multiple maintenance modes for a single sql server. I have three minor outages a month:  Monthly patching, snapshot...

-RepeatHeader Parameter

Here is a somewhat unknown parameter: -RepeatHeader! What does it do? Let’s assume you want to see results page by page (which only works in a...

PowerShell 7 Ternary Operator

With PowerShell 7, the language gets a new operator that created a lot of debate. Basically, you don’t have to use it, but users with a developer...

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