In the previous tip we started to turn PowerShell results into HTML reports. So far, the report is produced but still looks ugly. This is where we...
How to Ensure that Databases Do Not Have Fragmented Indexes
Maintain the performance of databases by efficiently retrieving ordered data by resolving the fragmentation of the indexes. View the fragmentation...
Creating HTML Reports (Part 1 – Creating HTML)
To turn PowerShell results in a HTML report, simply pipe the results to ConvertTo-Html, then save the result to file. So in its most basic form, it...
Control Console Transparency on Windows 10
On Windows 10, when you open a PowerShell console, simply hold CTRL+SHIFT, then turn your mouse wheel, to control console background transparency....
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Every DBA knows that they are guilty until proven innocent when performance problems arise. You are one of the usual suspects and it makes...
Logical to Physical Data Modeling
In the last article we learned how to create a data model from scratch using ER/Studio Data Architect. In part II we will explore about how to...
Finding Installed Updates (and searching for missing) (Part 4)
Sometimes, the Microsoft.Update.Session object is used to check whether a given update is present on a machine. Some authors query the text title...
Oracle, SQL, Sybase, DB2 Performance
Every DBA knows that they are guilty until proven innocent when performance problems arise. You are one of the usual suspects and it makes...
Why consider an End-to-End APM / Real User Management performance solution?
Precise is appropriate for third-party & homegrown Java and .NET applications plus the traditional ERPs: SAP, PeopleSoft, E-Business Suite, and...
Finding Installed Updates (and searching for missing) (Part 3)
When you want to examine installed updates on your machine, rather than searching for updates online and then comparing the installation status with...
New patch releases available for ER/Studio 16.5.0 (2016+) and also ER/Studio Team Server 16.1.x (2016)
For customers using ER/Studio 16.5.0 (2016+), the 16.5.1 patch release is now available. This patch contains a number of performance...
Finding Installed Updates (and searching for missing) (Part 2)
When PowerShell asks Windows for updates via the Microsoft.Update.Session object, some information seems to be unreadable. The code below dumps...
How to Monitor the Health of Database Instances
Determine the health of instances by collecting real-time statistics (including backup devices, databases, error logs, locks, logins, performance...
Finding Installed Updates (and searching for missing) (Part 1)
Windows can automatically determine the updates that may be missing on your system, provided you have an Internet connection. PowerShell can use the...
Auto-Logging Command Output
In the previous tip we introduced the PreCommandLookupAction supported by PowerShell 3 and better. Today we have a special implementation for you....
Replacing Commands
PowerShell comes with a couple of “secret” (better: under-documented) settings. One is PreCommandLookupAction, and it gives you great...
New plugin – Monitor Windows NTP metrics
Hey folks. Robert here. On my last day with Idera I've been doing some final housekeeping and I wanted to make sure I committed any of the stuff...
Easy Parsing of Setting Files (Part 3)
In the previous tip you have discovered how ConvertFrom-StringData can turn plain text key-value pairs into a hash table. What’s missing is...
Become an IDERA ACE Today!
Applications for the 2017 IDERA ACEs are now open! The search has begun for the 2017 IDERA ACEs. Do you have a passion in helping the community and...
Easy Parsing of Setting Files (Part 2)
In the previous tip we used ConvertFrom-StringData to parse plain text key-value pairs into hash tables. Here is an example where such conversion...
Easy Parsing of Setting Files (Part 1)
Let’s assume you want to save settings to a file in the most simplest form. Your settings may look like this: $settings = ' Name=Weltner...
Adding Live Clock to PowerShell Title Bar (Part 2)
In the previous tip we presented code that would update the PowerShell title bar in a background thread, displaying a live clock. Wouldn’t it...
Adding Live Clock to PowerShell Title Bar (Part 1)
To continuously update the PowerShell title bar, and for example display the current date and time, you need a background thread that takes care of...
When Add-Type Fails…
Add-Type can be used to load additional .NET assemblies from DLL files into PowerShell. This works well most of the time, and here is a sample call...