
Finding Script Errors

There is scripting expertise built-in to PowerShell v.2 that can be activated like this: set-strictmode -version 1set-strictmode -version 2 Use the...

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Getting System Uptime

If you'd like to determine a system's uptime, you should use WMI and convert the WMI date into a more readable format: function...

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Adding Custom Properties

You may have heard that PowerShell can add custom properties to objects. While we are not going into much detail about this here, we'd like to...

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CSV-Files With Culture

In a previous tip, you learned that CSV files use different separators, depending on your culture. While you were unable to select a separator in...

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Import-CSV and Types

Export-CSV and Import-CSV are great ways of persisting data in a structured way. There are some limitations, though. Take a look. This line saves a...

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Finding Alias Names in V2

Alias names are shortcuts for other commands, and you probably know that. In PowerShell V1, the only way to retrieve all aliases for a given target...

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Clear Command List

There are actually two places where your commands get stored: One is maintained by PowerShell (Get-History, Invoke-History). The other one is...

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