
Expanding Group Results

Group-Object is perfect for grouping objects based on one or more properties. Once you group objects, you can then filter, or sort, based on their...

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Sort With PS Code

Sort-Object is a great and versatile cmdlet to sort anything you want. Simply specify the property or properties you want to use for sorting: Dir...

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Ejecting CDs

PowerShell can still use COM libraries. Simply use New-Object -comObject and provide the COM library name to load it. With this approach, you can do...

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Deleting Aliases

As you may know aliases are shortcuts to other commands. So, you can easily add new aliases like this: Set-Alias edit notepad.exe The next time you...

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Creating Text Files

PowerShell offers you a multitude of ways to write information to disk. Here's a quick overview. 1. You can use classic redirection:...

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Detect DHCP State

You can use WMI and Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration to determine whether a computer uses DHCP to acquire an IP address. Simply look for all...

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Select Folder-Dialog

Want to provide your users with a neat dialog to select folders? Simply use a COM object called Shell.Application, which provides the...

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