
Creating WPF Windows

WPF is a great technique to create user interfaces in PowerShell. Most of the window content can be defined using XAML, a description similar to...

Saving Multiple Credentials

Thanks to Jaap Brasser’s finding, here is an easy way of encrypting a bunch of credentials: $CredPath = "$home\Desktop\mycreds.xml"...

Saving Credentials

Here is a safe way of saving credentials to a file: $CredPath = "$home\Desktop\mycred.xml" Get-Credential | Export-Clixml -Path $CredPath...

Clearing the Recycle Bin

A much awaited new cmdlet surfaced in PowerShell 5.0: Clear-RecycleBin! You can clear the recycle bin on a particular drive, or on all drives. This...

ValidateSet Instead of Enum

In the previous tip we illustrated how the new "enum" keyword works in PowerShell 5.0 to set the values that are assignable to a...

Using Enumerations

Beginning with PowerShell 5.0, you can use the new keyword "enum" to create enumerations. They can be useful for parameter validation:...

Reading Excel Cells

The fastest way to read data from an Excel spreadsheet is to export the data to CSV, then use Import-CSV. However, sometimes the data in an Excel...

Minimizing All Windows (Part 2)

If all you need to do is minimizing all open windows, there is the Shell.Application COM object. PowerShell can access its methods via New-Object:...

Minimizing All Application Windows

In a previous tip we explained how PowerShell can access low level API functions such as ShowWindowAsync(). Once you better understand how a...

Accessing API Methods

PowerShell can use C# to define new .NET types that access the internal Windows API methods. Here is some code that makes accessible the...

Check Default PowerShell Module Paths

Sometimes, PowerShell modules ship as MSI packages. When they do, you never know what the installation logic does to your system. Unfortunately,...

PSGet is Evil!

If you have played with the early releases of PowerShellGet and the PowerShell Gallery (www.powershellgallery.com), you may still have a module...

Converting 8.3 File Names

If you want to convert a short 8.3 filename to its long file name, try something like this: PS> (Get-Item...

Cleaning Week: Getting Rid of Downloads

Do you really need all the files you downloaded in Windows? It may pay off to look at the downloads, and delete downloaded files you no longer need....

Cleaning Week: Deleting CBS Log File

Windows maintains a log file named cbs.log in $env:windir\logs\cbs. It logs various pieces of information related to the Windows trusted installer,...

Cleaning Week: Deleting TEMP Files

In a previous tip you learned how to check for left-over files in both your own temp folder and the one maintained by Windows. Today, let’s...

Cleaning Week: Find Data Garbage

This week is cleaning week, and we’ll show you tactics how you can potentially retrieve gigabytes of disk space, especially with machines that...

Copy Over PowerShell Remoting Sessions

You can use PowerShell remoting to transfer files across a network – this is new in PowerShell 5.0. This can be useful in closed environments...

Harvesting Reboot Time from EventLog

In the previous tip we illustrated how you can ask WMI for the last reboot time of a machine. A more robust way is to query the Windows event logs....

Last Bootup Time with Get-CimInstance

These days, computers hibernate or go into standby but do not really reboot that often anymore. To find out when your computer rebooted the last...

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