
HTML Encoding Advanced

The static .NET method HtmlEncode does a good job encoding the usual character codes but fails with many special characters. To encode all...

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HTML Encoding

There is a static .NET method that you can use to HTML-encode text, for example if you want the text to display correctly in HTML output: PS>...

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Translating Error Records

Whenever PowerShell records an error, it wraps it in an Error Record object. Here is a function that takes such an error record and extracts the...

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Ejecting CD Drive

Here is a fun little function that uses WMI to eject your CD drive. It does so by first asking WMI for all CD drives. It then uses the explorer...

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Beware of Aliases

Can you spot what is wrong here? PS C:\> function r { "This never runs" } PS C:\> r function r { "This never runs" } PS C:\> When you run...

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