Did you ever want to compare the properties of ADUsers? Provided you have installed the RSAT tools, you can read individual AD users with...
Exporting and Importing Code-Signing Certificates
In the previous tip we explained how you can create self-signed code-signing certificates in Windows 10 and Server 2016 (and better). Today,...
Creating Code-Signing Certificates
Windows 10 and Server 2016 (and better) ship with an enhanced New-SelfSignedCert cmdlet that finally can create code-signing certificates. With...
Using Catalog Files to Maintain Folder Integrity
If you’d like to make sure a folder content stays untouched, you can use catalog files. A catalog file lists all folder content plus creates...
Finding PowerShell Named Pipes
Each PowerShell host running PowerShell 5 or better opens a “named pipe” that you can detect. The code below identifies these named...
Finding the Latest PowerShell 6 Download URL
PowerShell 6 is open-source and maintained in a public repository on GitHub. There are frequent releases. Here is a way how you can find out the...
Finding Latest PowerShell 6 Release (and Download URLs)
PowerShell 6 is open-source and maintained in a public repository on GitHub. There are frequent releases. If you don’t want to dig your way...
Finding Latest PowerShell 6 Release
PowerShell 6 is open-source, and there are frequently new releases available. You can always visit https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/releases...
PowerShell ISE Module Browser
If you are using the built-in PowerShell ISE, you might find the “Module Browser Add-on” useful. It is fairly old and was published in...
Converting SecureString to String
Sometimes it can make sense to convert a SecureString back to a regular string, for example because you have used the shielded input provided by...
Real-Time Processing for Language Structures
In the previous tip we looked at queues and how they can search the entire file system: # create a new queue $dirs =...
Using a Queue instead of a Recursion
Rather than calling functions recursively, you may at times want to use a Queue object that you can load with fresh tasks while you are unloading...