Printing from an Android device requires a little bit more setup than in iOS where you simply connect to an AirPrint capable printer (like my Epson...
Opening a file with the default program on Windows and Mac
I've been using the windows API call ShellExec for years to pass in the file name of a file I want to launch programatically with the default...
Working with Sensors, Devices and Platform Services in your C++ applications
All of our modern PCs, Smartphones, Tablets and other devices include more than just a screen, keyboard, mouse, memory, and storage. The devices We...
Clone FireMonkey objects
I've got a task of cloning FireMonkey objects. Let it be "chess". An object is created as an aggregate in design-time. Look at the...
Delphi Labs: DataSnap code samples updated to XE3
It seems that it is my very first post in the New Year 2013, so I wish You all the best and great time writing all kinds of programs. I'm sure...
XE3 Visual LiveBindings: User defined objects
The adapter components TListBindSourceAdapter and TObjectBindSourceAdapter enable LiveBindings with user defined TObjects. Here is a user defined...
Installing Sonar for Delphi
On 15th of November the HTML5 Builder QA Team was in the VLCTesting where we learned very good experiences and shared knowledge, amongst this was...
ORM Frameworks for Delphi…
I have just returned from my RAD Studio XE3 World Tour stops in Europe. It was great to see so many young and old developers in London, Amsterdam,...
Delphi Training videos and tutorials – from
For those of you who need to learn more about Delphi programming, Alister Christie ( who is one of our Embarcadero MVPs, has...
Custom FireMonkey "TSimpleTriangle" component
Have you ever written a component in Delphi? Reusable components are the corner-stone of rapid application development and important part of Delphi...
Getting to grips with using FireMonkey Grids
Although there is a huge amount that is the same for Delphi and C++ Builder developers between VCL and FireMonkey, one thing that has changed is the...
Writing a FireMonkey DLL for use with a VCL application.
We have had a lot of questions on the road show tour about how to mix Fire Monkey and VCL. Although this is not officially supported, a number of...