It’s very easy for IT professionals to become insulated from world events as they strive to keep their company’s computer systems...
Wir laden ein zur DevTracks nach Salzburg am 13. Februar
Zusammen mit unseren Kunden zeigen wir Ihnen die neuesten Trends der Softwareentwicklung Wir kommen nach Österreich und besuchen Sie in...
Creating and connecting to MSSQL Database on Azure with Delphi / C++Builder
I have been asked multiple times recently about connecting to a Azure databases with Delphi and C++Builder. So….I decided to make a...
RAD Studio 10.3.3 iPhone XS and XR Debugging Patch
An issue debugging on iOS devices containing an A12 chip has been resolved We've just released a patch for Delphi and C++Builder 10.3.3 which...
FluidShell – A Primer – SQL Server Edition
Welcome to this first of three blog posts that would cover the basics of getting practical usage of Aqua Data Studio's FluidShell. Introduction:...
RAD Server Academy Course – lecture 7 extract – Returning JSON using JSONValue and JSONWriter.
I've uploaded an extract of me RAD Server Embarcadero Academy course Lecture 7 - Returning JSON using JSONValue and JSONWriter. This video...
Helping Management See the Story Hidden in the Data
In most companies of any size, important strategic decisions are made by upper-echelon management figures. These individuals are entrusted with...
Attributes for Documenting TEMSDataSetResource
I recently blogged about a number of RAD Server topics, including using TEMSDataSetResource, (the component that enables a TDataSet to be expose as...
Reg Organizer – Cool Apps Selection
Reg Organizer - Cool Apps Selection Today’s CoolApps selection is Reg Organizer, by ChemTable Software. As the name suggests, it is a...
The Compromise Between Database Performance and Security
The performance of a database has often been considered its most critical aspect. Satisfying the demands of users is one of the primary concerns of...
Learn Delphi on Exercism
One of our MVPs, Ryan Potts, is the originator and maintainer of the Delphi track on Exercism - a site dedicated making it easy for people to learn...
Tears of Ra – Cool Apps Selection
Today’s CoolApps selection is Tears of Ra, by Konstantinos Onoufriadis. It is an Egyptian-themed slot machine app that is a lot of fun to play...
The Best Way to Manage Queries on Multiple Platforms
Modern database teams need to navigate increasingly complex computing environments that often include working with more than one platform...
Tips That Will Tighten Up Your SQL Server Security
Security is an important topic that may not always get the attention it deserves from your organization’s database developers. While the...
How to use temporal data to improve SQL code
SQL is the first programming language with temporal data types. The SQL-92 standard added temporal data to the language, acknowledging most of what...
Developing client applications using RESTful master-detail data with TRESTResponseDataSetAdapter
This is part 3 in my series of developing an REST server and client application and will focus around using the TRESTResponseDataSetAdapter. In my...
RAD Studio 10.3.3 Android Services Patch
An issue where an Android service would not run has been fixed We've just released a patch for RAD Studio 10.3.3 which resolves...
New Delphi and C++Builder RAD Server Courses now on Embarcadero Academy
I am proud to announce that two new RAD Server courses are available on the Embarcadero Academy! What You’ll Learn Watching the lecture...
Announcing the GA Release of SQL Safe Backup 8.6
We are pleased to announce the general availability of SQL Safe Backup 8.6. IDERA SQL Safe Backup provides a mission-critical backup and recovery...
Why You Need To Perform Database Benchmarking Correctly
Benchmarking is the process of discovering how the best performance can be obtained against previously defined benchmarks. It is a tool used in many...
Fundamentals of DevOps as it Relates to Your Database Team
DevOps can be seen as a step in the continued evolution of the software development process. The term can be defined as the union of people,...
What are the rules for table design heuristics for relational models?
The dictionary definition of a 'heuristic' is ‘Computers, Mathematics: pertaining to a trial-and-error method of problem-solving used...
MySQL Monitoring Best Practices Make You a Better DBA
MySQL database administrators have a tough job. They are expected to maintain the availability and performance of the systems for which they are...
InterBase Feature Spotlight: Tablespaces
InterBase 2020 is up and running and full of new features. On this weeks’ blog, we’re showcasing our support for Tablespaces. What...