
Converting HTTP Response Codes

In the previous example we created a small PowerShell function that checks web site availability, and as part of the test results, a HTTP response...

Test Web Site Availability

When a web site is unavailable, often the question is whether it’s you, or whether the web site is generally down for everyone else, too....

Unit Conversion via Web Service

Accessing RESTful web services is trivial for PowerShell: simply send your input data to a public web service, and receive the results. Here are...

Validating Active Directory Credentials

PowerShell can validate AD username and passwords against the Active Directory: Add-Type -AssemblyName System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement...

Numbering Output (Part 1)

If you’d like to add an incrementing number to your output, here is a simple way: Get-Process | Select-Object -Property '#',...

1 38 39 40 41 42 159