
Showing WPF Info Message

WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) is a technology that enables you to create windows and dialogs. The advantage of WPF is that the window design...

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Sending Email via Outlook

Of course you can send emails directly via SMTP server using Send-MailMessage. But if you want to prefill an email form in your default MAPI client,...

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Logging All Errors

In a previous tip you have seen that cmdlet errors can only be caught by an error handler if the -ErrorAction is set to "Stop". Doing this...

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Logging Script Runtime

If you'd like to monitor how long a script takes to run, you could use Measure-Command, but this cmdlet is for diagnostic purposes only and...

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Reading All Text

You can use Get-Content to read in any plain text file. However, Get-Content will return the file content line by line, and you get back a string...

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