One very simple way of extending PowerShell commands are scripts. To turn a script into a command, pick a folder and store the PowerShell script in...
- Free tools
- SQL Admin Toolset
- SQL Compliance Manager
- SQL Defrag Manager
- SQL Diagnostic Manager for MySQL
- SQL Diagnostic Manager for SQL Server
- SQL Diagnostic Manager Pro
- SQL Doctor
- SQL Enterprise Job Manager
- SQL Inventory Manager
- SQL Query Tuner for SQL Server
- SQL Safe Backup
- SQL Secure
- SQL Workload Analysis for SQL Server
- Uptime Infrastructure Monitor Formerly Uptime
Dumping Edge Cookies
If you’d like to find out (or document) the website cookies stored by the Edge browser, PowerShell can dump that information for you. The cookie...
Investigating PowerShell Command Results
When you run into new PowerShell commands, it’s always a good idea to get familiar with the result objects. When you simply run a PowerShell command...
Querying Advanced Printer Info via SNMP
Many network printer support SNMP to query information about the device, i.e. its serial number, the status and paper sizes of installed trays, or...
Subscribing to Session Lock/Unlock Events
Whenever a user on a Windows box locks his or her session, an event is emitted. Another event is emitted when you unlock your session again. Both...
Custom Action for Unknown Commands
Whenever you enter a command name that cannot be found by PowerShell, it can extend the command search by custom actions that you define. Here is a...
Managing File Shares
The Windows operating system ships with the “Storage” PowerShell module which can be used both from Windows PowerShell and PowerShell 7. One of the...
Showing Warning State in Taskbar Button
When your script needs attention, i.e. asking for user input, let’s turn its taskbar button in the Windows taskbar orange so the user immediately...
Showing Error State in Taskbar Button
When your script runs into an error, wouldn’t it be nice if the error state could be visually communicated via taskbar button? If the taskbar button...
Showing Indeterminate Progress in Taskbar Buttons
Occasionally, you do not know the exact progress of your script but you’d still like to inform the user that your script is “busy”. If you run your...
Showing Progress in Taskbar Buttons
If you run your PowerShell scripts on Windows, you can use the taskbar button as a progress indicator. All you need is install this module:...
The new release of SQLyog 13.2 provides one update and multiple bug fixes.
Update Upgraded the PLINK executable bundled with SQLyog to PuTTY/PLINK v 0.77, to support private keys generated in the PPK version 3 file format...
Announcing the General Availability of SQL Secure 4.2
We are pleased to announce the general availability of SQL Secure 4.2 SQL Secure is the industry-leading, state of the art auditing and security...
Identifying Multi-Language Online Documents (Part 2)
How can you automatically check the supported languages for an online document? Provided the URL uses a language ID, it’s easy to create a list of...
Careful with Arrays
Careful with Arrays With PowerShell you never know whether a cmdlet returns an array or a single object. That’s because PowerShell automatically...
SQL Server Security: Always Encrypted
Always Encrypted (AE) is a feature Microsoft introduced to SQL Server 2016. This post will provide an overview of AE and talk about how it can be...
Loading PFX Certificate Unattendedly
PowerShell comes with a cmdlet named Get-PfxCertificate that you can use to load a certificate plus private key into memory. However, if the...
Creating New Code Signing Test Certificates
PowerShell comes with a cmdlet named New-SelfSignedCertificate which can create all kinds of self-signed test certificates. However, it is not...
Get Volume IDs (Part 2)
In Windows 10 and better, you can use Get-Volume to get volume IDs and other information about your drives: PS> Get-Volume DriveLetter...
Get Volume IDs (Part 1)
You can query WMI to get a list of your drives volume IDs like so: Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Volume | Select-Object -Property DriveLetter,...
Asking for Masked Input (Part 2)
Never ever use plain-text input for secrets and passwords – the text entered by the user may be logged and compromised. Always use a masked input....
Asking for Masked Input (Part 1)
Never ever use plain-text input for secrets and passwords – the text entered by the user may be logged and compromised. Always use a masked input....
Finding MSI Product Codes (Part 2)
On Windows 10 and better, finding MSI packages and their product codes no longer requires WMI queries. Instead, you can use Get-Package: Get-Package...
Finding MSI Product Codes (Part 1)
If you need a list of installed MSI packages and their product codes, you can use WMI to query the information. This may take a couple of seconds:...
Accessing Windows Credential Manager
If you need to access credentials (saved passwords) stored by the Windows Credential Manager, the “CredentialManager” module may be helpful for you....
Using HTML to create PDF Reports (Part 3)
HTML can be a simple way of formatting data for output reports. In this last part we illustrate how you convert the final HTML report to PDF...
Using HTML to create PDF Reports (Part 2)
HTML can be a simple way of formatting data for output reports. In this second part we illustrate how you convert properties that contain arrays to...
Using HTML to create PDF Reports (Part 1)
HTML can be a simple way of formatting data for output reports. In this 3-part series, we first illustrate how you compose HTML reports, then show a...
Announcing the General Availability of SQL Workload Analysis 1.7.1
We’re excited to announce the release of SQL Workload Analysis 1.7.1 Problematic SQL queries can severely reduce the performance of SQL...
SQL Diagnostic Manager 12.0 General Availability
We are pleased to announce the general availability of SQL Diagnostic Manager 12.0. Existing users may upgrade to this version through the Idera...