In the previous example we created a small PowerShell function that checks web site availability, and as part of the test results, a HTTP response...
A Solution to the Cross-Platform Database Blues
The role of a database administrator (DBA) has undergone tremendous evolution in the 21st Century. In the murky past, a DBA could carve out a career...
Test Web Site Availability
When a web site is unavailable, often the question is whether it’s you, or whether the web site is generally down for everyone else, too....
Problem Queries are Killing Your Database Performance
Tuning database performance is a complicated task that can be a thorn in the side of the database team. There are many interconnected components and...
How to improve SQL Server performance with better indexing
SQL Server performance is always one of the most challenging subjects. Hard drives are getting cheaper and cheaper, and data is growing...
Unit Conversion via Web Service
Accessing RESTful web services is trivial for PowerShell: simply send your input data to a public web service, and receive the results. Here are...
Protection for Your SQL Databases in the Cloud
The cloud computing paradigm offers organizations many business and technical advantages that are driving its popularity. While these benefits may...
Is Monitoring with Agents Right for Your IT Environment?
After determining that your IT infrastructure will benefit from the introduction of enterprise-level monitoring, you will be faced with selecting an...
Validating Active Directory Credentials
PowerShell can validate AD username and passwords against the Active Directory: Add-Type -AssemblyName System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement...
DBArtisan Tips and Tricks for July
The July edition of DBArtisan tips and techniques covered three tips for using DBArtisan. Datasource Navigator SQL Editor Migrating Schema and Data...
Precise is the Best Tool to Identify Database Performance Gains
IDERA’s Precise Application Performance Platform offers users a comprehensive monitoring tool designed to assist in identifying issues that...
Numbering Output (Part 1)
If you’d like to add an incrementing number to your output, here is a simple way: Get-Process | Select-Object -Property '#',...