
Magic Underscore Variable

Here is a very special (and very underdocumented) way to use PowerShell parameters. Have a look at this function: #requires -Version 2 function...

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Converting Currencies

PowerShell is an extremely powerful language and can access web services and web pages. If you combine that with dynamic parameters, you get a...

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Process Data (Part 3)

In parts 1 and 2, you learned how a PowerShell function can process information that was submitted to parameters or piped via the pipeline. In our...

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Process Data (Part 2)

In part 1 we showed how a PowerShell function can receive input both from a parameter and via the pipeline, and process it in real-time. This is the...

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Processing Data (Part 1)

This is the first of the three tips showing you how a PowerShell function can accept data via pipeline or parameter. In part 1, the function...

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Compressing to ZIP Files

In PowerShell 5.0, Compress-Archive can easily compress files and folders to a ZIP file: PS C:\> Compress-Archive -Path c:\sourcefolder...

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Validate Read-Host Input

Beginning in PowerShell 4.0, you can use validators for variable assignments. This gives you a quick and easy way of validating user input, too. The...

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Fixing Remoting Bug

Have you ever tried to enable PowerShell remoting with Enable-PSRemoting, and just got an error complaining about not being able to check the...

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Refreshing Icon Cache

Sometimes, Windows Explorer does not show correct icons. When you update to PowerShell 5.0, for example, both PowerShell and PowerShell ISE got new...

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Formatting Text Output

If you need to return multiple items in a nicely formatted text report, here is a simple trick: get yourself an ordered hash table (supported in...

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