Uptime Infrastructure Monitor Formerly Uptime

Configuration Enforcement

This post is a companion to the webcast today. I'll update it once the webcast airs and I have the recording up. Here is the complete set of scripts...

Server Change Over

I am looking to upgrade my up.time server from a virtual Windows Server 2008 R2 running mysql to a physical Windows Server 2012 R2 running sql...

Solaris 10 Agent Issue

Hi, in troubleshooting an agent issue, I’m seeing the following:     #su – nobody #telnet localhost 9998 Trying…...

Unix Log Scanner

After the installation of the Unix Log Scanner using the uptime plugin manager I try to create a service monitor. But every time I run the test I...


Hi there, I have created a simple powershell script which I know works on my local machine running Windows 7 64bit. I have an evaluation copy of...