There is a major emphasis among businesses across all sectors of commerce and industry to take advantage of cloud computing. The cloud promises many...
Uptime Infrastructure Monitor Formerly Uptime
Capacity Planning is the Roadmap to Controlled Growth
A constant across virtually all aspects of an organization’s IT environment is that requirements are always changing. Updates, upgrades, and the...
Monitoring Can Help Prevent Unauthorized Network Guests
Your organization’s network is the entry point through which users access all of your company’s systems, data, and intellectual capital....
Problems That Influence Efficient Enterprise IT Management
Managing Enterprise IT environments can be an overwhelming undertaking. The complexity that has been introduced by virtualization and the cloud make...
Manage SLAs Effectively and Save Your Company Money
IT providers need to have a clear understanding of how their customers expect a particular service or system component to be delivered. There are a...
A Unified Dashboard Results in Increased Monitoring Efficiency
Modern IT environments are built on notoriously complex infrastructures made up of multiple components and interconnected systems. Organizations are...
Is Monitoring with Agents Right for Your IT Environment?
After determining that your IT infrastructure will benefit from the introduction of enterprise-level monitoring, you will be faced with selecting an...
Best Practices for Network Monitoring
In the world of eCommerce, remote offices, and mobile users, your network is one of the most important components of your organization’s...
Monitoring Can be a Valuable Capacity Planning Tool
The cloud provides numerous examples of new and exciting uses of its powerful and flexible computing resources. There are many advantages afforded...
How to Identify Security Weaknesses with Performance Monitoring
Technology photo created by - Modern IT systems present complex and interconnected frameworks on which organizations...
New plugin – Monitor Windows NTP metrics
Hey folks. Robert here. On my last day with Idera I've been doing some final housekeeping and I wanted to make sure I committed any of the stuff...
Secure your Uptime MSSQL backend database connection with SSL!
Hey there Uptimers! There's been a lot of stuff in the news lately regarding cyber attacks and data security in general. Just this morning I was...
New plugin for hard disk SMART monitoring
Ever wonder if your hard drive was trying to tell you something? Well, it just might be. S.M.A.R.T. has been around forever it seems but it largely...
Feeling the bloat? Quiet down our log files.
Log obesity. It's a silent problem. One that often is hidden by well meaning administrators, adding space to their VMs over time. The patient,...
Unable to monitor MSSQL via WMI – SQL Advanced Metrics
The SQL Advanced Metrics service monitor is unable to pull counters from WMI... This can occur from time to time with any product that publishes...
Response time – What it is, how you should treat it, and some SQL goodness.
I get asked a lot "What does 'response time' really measure?" Or something close... Response time, simply put, is a measurement of...
Keep Track of Database Performance with Uptime Infrastructure Monitor
Uptime Infrastructure Monitor Uptime Infrastructure Monitor (UIM) is an enterprise tool that provides a unified view for Information Technology...
Uptime Infrastructure Monitor 7.8 now available. Download today!
We are pleased to announce the general availability of Uptime Infrastructure Monitor 7.8. Existing users may upgrade to this version through the...
Getting granular with the new Monitor Windows Memory plugin
Hello you metric hungry Windows Admins! Robert here with another plugin for your consideration, and, Windows monitoring needs. Yes, I...
How to prevent the data collector unavailable message on server restarts.
Hello Windows world Uptimers! Robert here with a quick tip to help cure those data collector blues. This message (malady) usually occurs because the...
Coming Soon! Uptime Infrastructure Monitor 7.8…here's a little taste
Monitoring for Hyper-V virtual machines Monitoring of Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machines directly through Hyper-V API is now supported in Uptime...
How to Run PowerShell Scripts with Uptime Infrastructure Monitor
Introduction Microsoft PowerShell is an automation platform and scripting language for Windows and Windows Server that allows you to simplify the...
Configuration Enforcement
This post is a companion to the webcast today. I'll update it once the webcast airs and I have the recording up. Here is the complete set of scripts...
HOWTO – Monitor MS-SQL Clusters and Always-On Availability Groups
Problem: Monitoring a traditional Microsoft SQL Server cluster, one that typically has 1 active and 1 passive node, is a challenge because at any...