Hey all. I was bored this past weekend so I created a new plugin for APC UPS monitoring. The code is packaged into an Uptime plugin now and has...
Uptime Infrastructure Monitor Formerly Uptime
Email round trip monitor failures on checking for email, unable to find valid certification path to requested target
Email round trip monitor failures on checking error text : sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed:...
How to make your NOC monitor speak.
I'll start with, the code link and quick doc are at the end of this post. If you're not into reading the backstory, feel free to scroll on down and...
Integrating Uptime Infrastructure Monitor alerting with Atlassian Hipchat rooms
So I got bored this past Friday night. Having a young child often means earlier bedtimes and well, sometimes I just can't sleep. I got to...
Coming Soon…Uptime Infrastructure Monitor version 7.8
We are hard at work on the next release of Uptime Infrastructure Monitor (Uptime IM) version 7.8. This release will include new and improved...
Uptime Infrastructure Monitor Vulnerabilities Addressed
Uptime Infrastructure Monitor (Uptime IM) Vulnerabilities Addressed CERT Coordination Center (cert.org) published their latest Uptime Infrastructure...
Server Change Over
I am looking to upgrade my up.time server from a virtual Windows Server 2008 R2 running mysql to a physical Windows Server 2012 R2 running sql...
Solaris 10 Agent Issue
Hi, in troubleshooting an agent issue, I’m seeing the following: Â Â #su – nobody #telnet localhost 9998 Trying…...
Mobile Dashboard Plugin Linux
Hi  I’ve recently tried to install the mobile dashboard plugin 1.2 on my rhel 6.3 monitor station running uptime 7.1, and noticed its only...
Don't See Alert Under My Portal My Alert
I have problem with the alert in my portal. One user don’t see anything in Myportal but it’s setup like all the other any idea? What...
Unix Log Scanner
After the installation of the Unix Log Scanner using the uptime plugin manager I try to create a service monitor. But every time I run the test I...
Hi there, I have created a simple powershell script which I know works on my local machine running Windows 7 64bit. I have an evaluation copy of...
Active Directory In Up.time 5.5.0
I am trying to get AD authentication working in up.time 5.5.0 as I have several engineers in different locations that want to evaluate it. But so...
Monitoring Disk Space Of Nas Devices
I have 3 different NAS devices (Netgear, Lacie, IOmega) that I would like to monitor through uptime to see if their disk space is being used or...
Archive Alternative Methods
We have been looking at how Uptime stores its data and how me can make better use of Uptime.With the exception of the disk performance_fscap table...
Ldap Monitor
hello, I downloaded friday 20 mars “up-time5″ for test. when i try to use 'test ldap service instance', I have always error=53....
Monthly Capacity Reporting
Monthly Capacity Reporting I need to provide server by server (Wintel) some preety management pictures that show CPU both peaks and average with a...
Custom Plugin Arguments
Hi, I've just installed version 5 uptime and have created a custom plugin to monitor the replication status of my mysql slave servers. I created...
Monitor Failed
Good evening, I have found an error in my uptime monitor (actually got an alert a bit ago) and the message that I see is as follows: Monitor failed:...
Export And Import Uptime Settings
Is it possible to export and import Uptime settings to an external format? I have a primary/secondary server. What i want to do is configuration...
Db2 Tablespace Monitor
This monitor allows you to monitor all of the tablespaces for your DB2 instance. The monitor collects the stats for all of the tablespaces defined...
Db2 Buffer Pool Monitor
This monitor allows you to monitor all of the buffer pools for your DB2 instance. The monitor collects the stats for all of the buffer pools defined...
Basic Tomcat Monitor
Here is a monitor for the Tomcat users out there. This monitor is not based on JMX, and therefore requires that the manager/status servlet is...
Basic Db2 Monitoring
This plugin monitor allows you to monitor a DB2 database. This has been tested with version 9, but should work with older versions as well. 1)...