For customers using ER/Studio 16.5.0 (2016+), the 16.5.1 patch release is now available. This patch contains a number of performance...
Easy Add Custom Component Icons in Delphi
I have just recently discovered a super easy way of adding custom icons to Delphi components. Traditionally you had to start from a rectangular...
How to Monitor the Health of Database Instances
Determine the health of instances by collecting real-time statistics (including backup devices, databases, error logs, locks, logins, performance...
New plugin – Monitor Windows NTP metrics
Hey folks. Robert here. On my last day with Idera I've been doing some final housekeeping and I wanted to make sure I committed any of the stuff...
Работа с системами управления версиями в RAD Studio 10.2
Система управления версиями — программное обеспечение для облегчения работы с изменяющейся информацией. Система управления версиями позволяет...
"Serverless Architectures on AWS" summer reading
Summer is a great time to catch up with books that you have on your shelf, but do not have time to read. Obviously I would suggest starting from my...
Become an IDERA ACE Today!
Applications for the 2017 IDERA ACEs are now open! The search has begun for the 2017 IDERA ACEs. Do you have a passion in helping the community and...
My "Expert Delphi" book published!
My "Expert Delphi" book has been published by PACKT Publishing and is currently available for a limited time for just $10 at...
Viewing Salesforce Data in RAD Studio Data Explorer
How to view Salesforce data in RAD Studio Data Explorer using the Enterprise Connectors for Salesforce. With the Enterprise Connectors for...
Getting Technical with Cary Jensen and FireDAC (Episode 74)
In this episode of the Podcast @ we talk with Cary Jensen about his new book Delphi in Depth: FireDAC and the upcoming Delphi...
Setting up an Apache Web Server in Debian using Google Cloud
Setting up an Apache Web Server in Debian using Google Cloud Howdy! In the...
Connecting to Chrome OS via ADB
This is part of my series on developing with Chrome OS You need to put your Chromebook in Developer Mode First. Enabling ADB Debugging...
Enabling Developer Mode on Chrome OS
This is part of my series on developing with Chrome OS Chromebook Developer Mode You need to put your Chromebook in Developer mode, which wipes the...
Fireproof Your DBA Career in our Next Twitter Chat!
Is your DBA career fireproof? Let’s discuss the things that can get you fired and make sure you’re not doing them. Our next #SQLChat...
Changing a FireMonkey style at runtime
There is a great post by Sarina Adding a style selector to your application showing how to have a FMX application with multiple style books,...
Targeting Chrome OS with Delphi via Android and Linux
Google's Chrome OS is based on their Chrome Browser and runs on Chromebooks, which are halfway between a tablet and a laptop. They are designed...
Setting up a Linux VM using Google Cloud
Howdy! In this blog post, I will be showing you all on how to setup a new Linux VM in Google Cloud. If you are new to Google Cloud, I would...
RDS/Aurora OS monitoring with Monyog v8.1.0
With this Monyog release, we will provide monitoring capabilities for RDS/Aurora OS metrics along with an emphasis on the User Experience in several...
Secure your Uptime MSSQL backend database connection with SSL!
Hey there Uptimers! There's been a lot of stuff in the news lately regarding cyber attacks and data security in general. Just this morning I was...
Quickly find add-ons with new GetIt categories
We have added a number of new categories to the GetIt Package Manager in 10.2 Tokyo to make it easier to find what you're looking for in GetIt....
New free VCL Style from available in GetIt sells custom VCL and FireMonkey Styles. They are offering a free custom VCL Windows Style for RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo customers...
What is BPMN?
IDERA's ER/Studio Business Architect allows you to draw both Conceptual Models and Business Process Models. Business Process Models use...
Oracle Standard Edition Performance
Sometimes a very good index can be even better post - Ducky Indices Post Tomorrow on Tuesday June 27, at 11am EDT / 10 Central, we'll share the...
Database Continuous Delivery – It’s Not as Scary As You Think
Database continuous delivery can be a scary topic for database administrators. This requires the DBA to start trusting tools & processes,...