It is very exciting time for Delphi and C++Builder developers! Embarcadero just announced partnership with CData to provide the whole suite of new...
Video: Adding InterBase 2017 ToGo to RAD Studio 10.2
InterBase 2017 is now available for installation directly into RAD Studio via GetIt for use in Delphi and C++Builder applications across Windows,...
Delphi Linux и создание серверных приложений – постскриптум
8 июня прошел первый вебинар Embarcadero, на котором мы начали знакомить с возможностями Delphi for Linux из RAD Studio 10.2. Запланированного...
Save Time With This Quick LiveBindings Trick For Delphi And C++Builder
LiveBindings is a great technology built into Delphi and C++Builder for bypassing most of the code involved in a CRUD data cycle (Create, Read,...
FireDAC & ODBC for Paradox and dBase tables.
I continue to get customer requests for options to migrate legacy RAD Studio, Delphi or C++ Builder applications using the Borland Database Engine...
May Cool App Winner: Ofertas do Dia
The cool app Winner for May comes from Brazil. It is Ofertas do Dia, or "Daily Offers" for us English speakers. This cool mobile app...
Приложения Delphi в Linux и доступ к базам данным MongoDB
Для этого примера я буду использовать установленный на моей VirtualBox VM с Ubuntu Server 16.04 отдельный сервер MongoDB v3.4. Как установить и...
35 Free Delphi Examples for Windows and Android from WinSoft
The following is a list of free Delphi libraries, utilities and examples with full source code available from WinSoft. Many are Windows...
FireMonkey Native and Custom Styles in Action – Video
This video shows building a profile screen for your multi-device application using the FireMonkey framework with both native UI support and custom...
May 2017 Roadmap Commentary from Product Management
We just published the May 2017 Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio roadmap which we’re really excited about. In our roadmap, you can find the key...
Adding a custom style selector to your VCL application
Adding a style selector menu to your application only takes a couple of lines of code and allows you to quickly update your existing user interface...
Все примеры в одной коллекции
ССылки на страницы с описанием каждого примера можно найти в документации на RAD Studio 10.2...
Webinar Replay: UX Excellence: Cross Platform Design Patterns
Proper User Interface paradigms makes for the best user experience with your applications. Learn how to apply design patterns your cross platform...
Icons8 and Delphi GUIs
Designing graphical users is a combination of different skills. Probably the artistic angle is the most important, but user experience comes close....
Offline Installation vom .Net Framework 3.5 unter Windows 10
Kurzer Nachtrag oder eine Ergänzung zum Blog Artikel der Offlineinstallation von Delphi/C++Builder/RAD Studio (ohne Internetverbindung),...
Offline Installation und Aktivierung von Delphi, C++Builder und RAD Studio
Auch hier bekomme ich in den letzten Tagen einige Nachfragen zur Installation und Aktivierung von Delphi, C++Builder oder RAD Studio auf einem...
Delphi on Raspberry Pi
[Part 1] [Part 2] Part 1 The Raspberry Pi is an example of a single board computer. These low-cost hobby or project computers are a prime staple of...
Build Healthcare Apps with Delphi and FireMonkey (FMX)
Today Healthcare is one of the hottest areas for Technology innovation. It is globally a $6B opportunity based on startup funding trends, which is a...
Webinar Replay: Building a Microservices Architecture with RAD Server
Microservices represent the latest in multitier architecture. Decoupling services result in increased flexibility, greater scalability and a more...
Creating a profile screen for your mobile application
I am using the following components on my form: TTabControl with 3 tab items TabItem3 consists of: TCircle with the stroke color...
April 2017 RAD Studio 10.2 Hotfix for Toolchain Issues
We are pleased to release a hotfix for RAD Studio 10.2. This hotfix addresses: debugger issues for Android, iOS, and Linux; Delphi Win64 compiler...
FireDAC and Microsoft Azure SQL Database
I've started to get requests to use FireDAC with Cloud Databases, like SQL Azure. The question whether or not to put your business data in...
FireMonkey and VCL Style Packs from
Their FireMonkey Style Packs provide custom themes for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android, plus Linux (via their FMX for Linux support). They also...
Keep Threading in Mind
In my interview with Martin he talked a lot about the importance of performance, which is one of the reasons he uses Delphi for his real-time...